- To organize women and child development programmes
- To work for the development and welfare of SC, ST, OBC children and also physically handicapped and to render benevolent services towards the people living with below poverty line.
- To upgrade the economic & social status of the poor inhabit-ant of our working area.
- To construct and establish charitable dispensary, yoga Institute through help from Govt. sources or Non-Govt. Sources.
- To adopt all sorts of schemes of central Medicinal plant Board to cultivate medicinal plant.
- To acquire, establish, start, aid, run, maintain or manage schools, libraries, hospitals for the benefit of the people.
- To arrange and organize lecture, debates, discussions, seminars & excursions for the diffusion of knowledge.
- To promote & encourage advancement of literacy, cultural, religious, scientific & technical education.
- To help the aged, sick helpless and indigent persons.
- To engage and assist in such other philanthropic activities as may be deemed appropriate by the Governing Body of the Kendra.
- To construct, maintain, improve, develop and alter any buildings, houses or other works necessary or convenient for the use of Kendra.
- To collect donations and subscription for the purpose of the Kendra.
- To publish or cause to be published useful literatures, magazines.
- To organize different training programme i.e Horticulture, Animal husbandry and other technical training programmes for male and female candidates.
- To aware the consumers about their rights & protection & role of Fair Business Practices under Consumer Protection Act 1986.
- To undertake professional technical management for the benefit of handicrafts.
- To start and run old age home, orphan home, short stay home & day care centre.